与永久性工作相比,最近合同工增加的趋势以及商业周期缩短是否会影响收入保障和政府长期政策,例如根据“公积金”计划(CPF)和“居者有其屋”计划(HDB home ownership schemes)为工作的新加坡人提供的强制储蓄和养老金计划。
对于需要更多支持才能找到另一份工作的合同工,政府通过我们的就业促进和再培训计划提供支持。这些员工可以向新加坡劳动力发展局 (WSG) 和全国职工总会 (NTUC) 的职能培训中心(Employment and Employability Institute)寻求职业配对服务。新加坡劳动力发展局 (WSG) 的转业计划(Career Conversion Programmes)还为雇用求职者并使其重新掌握新岗位技能的雇主提供慷慨的薪金支持。
60 Mr Saktiandi Supaat asked the Minister for Manpower whether the recent trend of increased contract work compared to permanent jobs and shorter business cycles will impact income security and longstanding Government policies, such as compulsory savings and pension plan, for working Singaporeans under CPF and HDB home ownership schemes.
Dr Tan See Leng: The proportion of resident employees in contract work has not increased. In fact, it has declined for the third consecutive year to a low of 6.6% in 2023, as more residents took up permanent jobs amid a tight labour market.
For contract employees who require more support to find another job, the Government provides support through our employment facilitation and reskilling programmes. These workers may approach Workforce Singapore (WSG) and the National Trades Union Congress’s (NTUC’s) Employment and Employability Institute for career matching services. WSG’s Career Conversion Programmes also provide generous salary support to employers who hire and reskill jobseekers for new roles.
In terms of retirement adequacy, every successive cohort, which includes contract workers, has seen a higher proportion of Central Provident Fund (CPF) members setting aside their Basic Retirement Sum at age 55. Singaporeans can be assured that they will be able to meet their basic retirement needs as long as they work and contribute consistently to CPF. For those who have less in retirement, we will continue to provide targeted support.
Contract workers receive the same treatment as workers in permanent jobs, in terms of their access to housing grants, HDB housing loans and usage of CPF for housing. The Government remains committed to help Singaporeans from all walks of life own a home.