



(a) 该部是否已对价格上涨的原因进行深入研究?

(b) 可采取哪些供应方面的措施来缓和价格的进一步上涨,以保持小贩食品价格在可承受范围内?

傅海燕(永续发展与环境部长)女士:贸工部在 2024 年 7 月 2 日议事日程上对第 90 和 91 号问题的答复中部分回答了该问题的 (a)部分。[请参阅“食品价格上涨是否与通货膨胀保持一致的研究”,官方报告,2024 年 7 月 2 日,第 95 卷,第 137 期,对未在提问时间结束前回答口头答复的问题的书面答复部分。] 根据国家环境局 (NEA) 进行的调查,小贩中心摊主的主要成本驱动因素是原材料和人力,在 2022 年分别占其运营成本的平均 56% 和 20%。小贩在确定食品价格时会考虑多种因素,包括配料成本、其他运营成本和市场竞争。

虽然国家环境局 (NEA) 不监管小贩食品价格,但它为小贩中心的小贩提供了有利的经营环境。这样,他们就能在合理定价和维持生计之间取得平衡。为此,国家环境局通过不为摊位投标设定底价租金和不允许转租来调节小贩摊位的租金。对社会企业小贩中心 (SEHC),国家环境局会全面考虑招标建议,包括小贩必须承担的总成本,然后再授予投标。社会企业小贩中心 (SEHC)运营商还承诺,作为投标承诺的一部分,其中心的所有摊位都将提供至少一种超值套餐。

此外,国家环境局还提供支持措施,例如“活跃小贩文化” 计划(Vibrant Hawker Culture Programme)和小贩生产力资助金(Hawkers’ Productivity Grant),以帮助小贩摊主提高生产力。为了帮助降低配料成本,一些社会企业小贩中心 (SEHC)运营商还利用其行业网络提供批量采购服务。


Mr Liang Eng Hwa asked the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment in view of the recent findings by the Singapore Department of Statistics that hawker food prices have risen (a) whether the Ministry has done a deeper study on the causes of the increases; and (b) what supply side measures can be taken to moderate further price increases so as to keep hawker food affordable.

Ms Grace Fu Hai Yien: Part (a) of this question has been partially addressed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry’s reply to Question Nos 90 and 91 on the Order Paper for 2 July 2024. [Please refer to “Study on Whether Food Price Increases Are in Line with Inflation”, Official Report, 2 July 2024, Vol 95, Issue 137, Written Answers to Questions for Oral Answer not Answered by End of Question Time section.] Based on surveys conducted by the National Environment Agency (NEA), the main cost drivers for stallholders in hawker centres were raw materials and manpower which accounted for an average of 56% and 20% of their operating costs respectively in 2022. Hawkers consider multiple factors when determining the prices of their food, including cost of ingredients, other operating costs and market competition.

While NEA does not regulate hawker food prices, NEA provides a conducive operating environment for hawkers at our hawker centres. This allows them to balance between pricing their food affordably and sustaining their livelihoods. To do this, NEA moderates the rent of hawker stalls by not setting reserve rents for stall tenders and disallowing subletting. For Socially-Conscious Enterprise Hawker Centres (SEHCs), NEA takes into consideration tender proposals holistically, including the total costs that hawkers will have to bear, before awarding the tender. SEHC operators have also committed that all stalls in their centres will provide at least one value meal option as part of their tender commitment.

In addition, NEA provides support measures, such as the Productive Hawker Centres programme and Hawkers’ Productivity Grant, to help hawker stallholders improve their productivity. To help moderate ingredient costs, some SEHC operators also tap on their industry networks to offer bulk purchasing services.








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