






马善高先生(新加坡社会及家庭发展部长):到 2023 年,新加坡不工作、不上学或不受训青年(NEET,俗称”尼特族”)的比例保持在 4.1%的低水平,与其他发达国家相比要低得多。无论性别如何,他们的 NEET 状态大多是过渡性和短期性的。超过 70% 的”尼特族”青年正在暂时中断工作或转换工作。这些也是形成女性”尼特族”的主要因素。




在整个求学阶段,学生都会接受教育和职业辅导(ECG),通过课程和辅导员的建议,帮助他们发现自己的优势、兴趣和目标。学生(包括需要更多指导的学生)有机会参加行业沉浸式课程、学习之旅和职业讲座,了解更多不同的就业途径。希望重返校园的 “尼特族”青年可联系相关教育机构或教育部的 “尼特”青年就业指导中心(ECG Centre @ MOE),寻求就业指导建议。


在就业支持方面,所有”尼特族”青年,包括希望进入劳动力市场的女性,都可以利用新加坡劳动力组织(WSG)提供的一系列职业匹配和再培训计划与服务。他们还可以利用WSG的职业联系(Careers Connect)和e2i职业中心提供的职业咨询和辅导服务。WSG的MyCareersFuture门户网站也提供就业机会和职业搜索功能,帮助求职者探索潜在的职业和提升技能选择。


我们认识到,一些”尼特族”青年可能面临复杂的问题,如家庭关系冲突。我们建立了一个青年支持计划网络,让有不同需求的青年参与其中,如 Youth GO!计划,为高危青年提供支持。如果青年及其家人面临社会问题,也可以向家庭服务中心寻求帮助。导师制,如通过辅导小组(Mentoring SG)运动,也可以支持和指导”尼特族”青年。




我们鼓励包括女性”尼特族” 在内的”尼特族”青年抓住机遇,获得支持,在教育和职业发展的道路上不断前进。




Mr Patrick Tay Teck Guan asked the Minister for Social and Family Development (a) what are the existing services or programmes that focus on supporting female youths who are not in employment, education or training (NEET); and (b) if there is no such programme, whether the Ministry will look into developing one, given that about two in three NEET youths are female.

Mr Masagos Zulkifli B M M: The rate of youths who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) in Singapore has remained low at 4.1% in 2023 and is much lower compared to other developed countries. Regardless of sex, their NEET status is mostly transitional and short-term. Over 70% of NEET youths are taking a temporary break or switching between jobs. These were also the key factors for female NEET youths.

 It is important for us to first support youths through their education years. Schools proactively reach out to support students with personal needs and connect them and their families to community and other resources.

Throughout their schooling years, students receive Education and Career Guidance (ECG) through lessons and advising by ECG counsellors to help them discover their strengths, interests and sense of purpose. Students, including those who require more guidance, have opportunities to attend industry immersion programmes, learning journeys and career talks to learn more about the different pathways available. NEET youths who wish to return to education can reach out to the respective educational institutions or to the ECG Centre @ MOE for ECG advice.

For employment support, all NEET youths, including females who are seeking to enter the workforce, can tap on a range of career matching and reskilling programmes and services offered by Workforce Singapore (WSG). They can also tap on career advisory and coaching services provided by WSG’s Careers Connect and e2i’s career centres. WSG’s MyCareersFuture portal also provides job opportunities and a CareersFinder feature to help jobseekers explore potential career and upskilling options.

We recognise that some NEET youths may face complex issues, such as conflictual family relationships. We have a network of youth support programmes to engage our youths with varying needs, such as the Youth GO! Programme, which supports at-risk youths. Youths and their families may also seek help from Family Service Centres if they are facing social issues. Mentorship, such as through the Mentoring SG movement, can also support and guide NEET youths to navigate life transitions and challenges.

For NEET youths with mental health needs, they are supported through community mental health services like Youth Community Outreach Teams and Youth Integrated Teams provided by social service agencies or CHAT, a national youth mental health outreach and assessment service.

We encourage NEET youths, including female NEETs, to take up the opportunities and support available to grow their education and career journey.













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