2024年5月8日,新加坡教育部长陈振声在国会书面答复阿裕尼集选区议员严燕松关于2018 年至 2023 年各教育机构护理课程的入学人数相关问题。
(a) 各教育机构国家工艺教育局护理证书(Nitec in Nursing)、高级国家工教局护理证书(Higher Nitec in Nursing)以及护理专业文凭(Diploma in Nursing)课程的学额分别有多少?
(b) 有多少学生申请这些课程?
(c) 有多少学生被录取?
(d) 有多少学生符合最低入学要求,但因为课程超额报名而被拒绝入学?
陈振声(教育部长)先生:工艺教育学院 (ITE) 和理工学院课程的学额是根据不同行业的人力需求和学生兴趣等因素确定的。
2018 年至 2023 年期间,工艺教育学院每年为国家工艺教育局护理证书 (Nitec) 预留约 500 个名额,并已全部报满。每年约有900名学生申请该课程作为他们的第一志愿,其中约有一半申请者被录取。由于高级国家工教局护理证书(Higher Nitec)课程于2024 年新推出,因此没有相关数据。
同期,南洋理工学院和义安理工学院为护理专业文凭预留了约 1,400 个名额,每年约有 1,300 名学生被这些课程录取。其中一半是符合入学要求并将护理作为第一志愿的申请者。
25 Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song asked the Minister for Education in each year from 2018 to 2023 (a) how many places were available for (i) Nitec in Nursing (ii) Higher Nitec in Nursing and (iii) Diploma in Nursing programmes respectively at all educational institutions; (b) how many students applied for these courses; (c) how many were accepted; and (d) how many students met the minimum entry requirements but were denied admission because the courses were oversubscribed.
Mr Chan Chun Sing: The number of places set aside for courses at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and polytechnics is determined by taking into account factors such as manpower needs of the different sectors and students’ interests.
Between 2018 and 2023, about 500 places were set aside for the Nitec in Nursing at the ITE each year, with all places filled. About 900 students per year applied to the course as their first choice, with about half of these applicants admitted. There is no available data for the Higher Nitec in Nursing, as the course was newly introduced in 2024.
Over the same period, about 1,400 places were set aside for the Diploma in Nursing at Nanyang Polytechnic and Ngee Ann Polytechnic, with about 1,300 students admitted to these courses each year. Half of these were applicants who met the admission requirements and placed nursing as their first choice.