Cellography Celebrates 10th Anniversary With Celebratory Concert


Cellography Celebrates 10th Anniversary With Celebratory Concert

Singapore’s only cello pop orchestra presents “Journey of a Decade” concert to mark their 10th anniversary as they reflect upon their music and story for the last 10 years.   

Cellography Celebrates 10th Anniversary With Celebratory Concert

Cellography turns 10! Helmed by established local cellist, educator and composer, Mr Hughes Chong, Cellography is Singapore’s only cello pop orchestra, comprising a vibrant mix of individuals seeking to immerse themselves in music and share its joy with others.

The 10th Anniversary concert will bring audiences on a journey through the past 10 years as they indulge audiences in a wide-ranging musical feast from the majestic battle drums of “Game of Thrones”, to the dreamy wistfulness of “Rainbow Connection”. The concert promises to be an enchanting and entertaining evening leaving audiences asking for more!

Cellography Celebrates 10th Anniversary With Celebratory Concert

The concert programme also includes popular movie and Broadway theme songs such as “Into the Unknown” and “Mamma Mia”. There will also be numerous Chinese oldies which will appeal to the more matured audience. The event promises a night of fun and entertainment for the entire family.    

Impact of COVID-19

The music industry, like all other arts sectors, has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many music events, such as festivals and concerts have either been cancelled or postponed. While some musicians and composers have used this time to create new works, the cancellation of events has had a ripple effect on many people – performers who depend on live events for their livelihood, as well as concert goers who desire live music as a pastime.

Cellography Celebrates 10th Anniversary With Celebratory Concert

Cellography was not spared. Cellography was in the midst of preparing for its concert in 2020 when COVID-19 hits. This led to the concert cancellation and forfeiture of theatre hall booking deposit. It was a tough and challenging period for many, particularly for a small and private orchestra group.         



After the COVID-19 pandemic, many people were eager to attend concerts and live events again, as a way to make up for lost time and experiences. This phenomenon has been dubbed as “revenge concert-going”. People are flocking to concerts and music festivals, eager to enjoy live music and the sense of community that comes with it. The pent-up demand for live entertainment has led to a surge in ticket sales and concert attendance. Many artists and performers are also eager to get back on stage and connect with their fans, making for a vibrant and exciting atmosphere at these events.    

Cellography Celebrates 10th Anniversary With Celebratory Concert

Fun for the whole family or with friends

Attending concerts with friends or as a whole family can be a great bonding experience. It provides an opportunity for everyone to share a common interest and create lasting memories together. Concerts offer a chance for people to spend quality time together, away from the distractions of daily life. The shared experience of enjoying live music can strengthen relationships and create a sense of unity. Additionally, concerts can expose individuals to different genres of music and cultures, broadening their horizons and fostering an appreciation for the arts.

Cellography Celebrates 10th Anniversary With Celebratory Concert

Cellography’s “Journey of a Decade” concert promises a fun and engaging experience for people of all ages. The concert will be held on Saturday, 13 July 2024 at Gateway Theatre. Tickets are priced at S$55, S$45, S$35, S$26, and can be booked via SISTIC Ticketing (https://www.sistic.com.sg/events/decade0724).    


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