

2024年3月6日,新加坡官委议员赛义德哈伦医生(Syed Harun Taha Alhabsyi)在国会建议通过体育和青年,促进社区包容、增强社会凝聚力










    去年,珊蒂 (Shanti Pereira)在亚运会上拿下了100米银牌和200米金牌,结束了新加坡等待田径奖牌长达49年的历史,当时许多新加坡人都在电视机前激动不已。我们对她在2023年的成功感到自豪,她的决心、韧性和战胜逆境的精神都深深地影响了我们。还有2016年,约瑟林(Joseph Schooling)在奥运会上获得100米蝶泳金牌的时候,国家自豪感也是一样的。没有什么比庆祝同胞在体育运动中取得巨大成功更能凝聚人民、社区和国家的力量了。












    我在本报告中强调的另一个重点领域是,继续发挥我们青年的潜力。事实上,我们不久前在圣约瑟夫学院看到了相当年轻的观众,我们也经常谈到我们的人口老龄化问题,这是一个非常重要的关切。然而,同样的是,我们也面临青年人数的相对减少,而他们是我们宝贵的资源。我认为,我们可以做得更好,吸引青年参与,发挥他们的创造力和创新力,并通过他们的视角来策划各种想法,分享他们对于挑战传统智慧和当前解决方案的意愿。这是我们国家建设工作的一个重要方面,也是政府推进”新加坡携手前进“(Forward SG)计划的一个重要方面。









Inclusivity through Sports and Youth

Dr Syed Harun Alhabsyi: Mr Chairman, I focus my cut on the value that sports and youths can bring to building community, promote inclusivity and strengthen social cohesion.

First, on sports. The value of sports is beyond the physical. Its value is multifaceted, encompassing also psychological, social and economic benefits, with its significance observed at all levels of society, too: at the individual, community and globally. Beyond the obvious benefits of health and exercise, sports has the power to strengthen well-being, unity in diversity and organic cultural exchange in communities. Importantly, sports has the power to galvanise and rally.

When Shanti Pereira won the Silver in 100-metre and Gold in 200-metre events at the Asian Games last year, ending Singapore’s 49-year wait for a track and field medal, many Singaporeans were glued to their television screens and fixed to their seats. We were in awe of her success and achievements in 2023, and taken to her example in terms of her determination, resilience and ability to overcome adversity. When Joseph Schooling won the Olympic Gold in the 100-metre Butterfly in 2016, the sentiment of national pride was much the same. Few things rally people, community and a nation more than a celebration of a fellow countryman’s great success in sports.

The barrier to entry to sporting success is relatively low in that it does not matter whether one is a populous country or a country with wide and sizeable geographical areas. For example, if we use the Olympics as a benchmark, Liechtenstein with a population of under 40,000, San Marino under 35,000, Bermuda under 65,000 have won multiple medals at the Olympics. It is, indeed, possible.

I urge the Ministry to look closely and more strongly at sports as a means to rally and bring people closer together. Those of us who have engaged in sports and continue to do so will agree that it builds character, values and a certain resilience that cannot be replicated in the classroom. Team sports further engender a spirit of responsibility, trust in others, camaraderie and a sense of team like no other.

There are three things that I hope the Ministry will focus on as part of this Budget, as far as sports is concerned.

First, we need to continue focusing and investing in sporting excellence as a country and do more for our athletes. Our athletes need our support to do well, for they spend a good portion of their hours, days and weeks, even years on end to achieve the success for the country. In fact, for a good portion of the time where their peers spend building careers and income, the prime of the young lives of these athletes are consumed in honing their sport, optimising their performance and pushing their physical bodies for peak outcomes, for which, sometimes, injuries can occur. Where there is talent in our Singaporeans and they are willing to go far with us in terms of their sporting excellence, I propose we spare no effort for them to give their best for Singapore.

Second, I hope for the Ministry to look more deeply and specifically at team sports. While we already have examples of success in individual sportsmen and sportswomen, we need to do better for team sports as well. It does take much more deliberate investment, a sustained care in the planning over years if not decades for the sport, and a wider systemic approach to develop young talent within a team sport. However, the benefit of being able to see a multiplicity of individuals in team sports, where we have a broad representation of athletes from all communities playing together for the national team, is emblematic of the kind of Singapore we hope to build. It resonates at a deeper level for us as a people and it becomes a palpable vision of the society we want for ourselves.

Third, I hope for the Ministry to narrate the value of Sports better for the ordinary Singaporean and help make it easy for people to participate in them en masse. The benefit of sports in health and mental well-being cannot be understated and should continue to be emphasised at the level of the individual. Yes. However, the societal benefit of sport can only be realised if everyone participates, enjoys and interacts with one another in play and activity. Even for relatively individual sports, it is possible, with some creativity, to encourage togetherness and cohesion in the activity. For example, even for the solitary activity of running, which some may prefer, there are running clubs where people may build friendships, find commonality and meet others through their collective joy and passion in the specific sport. Such cohesion and strong relationships make for a sustained participation in sports and more opportunity to bring people together.

My other area of emphasis in this cut is for the Ministry to continue harnessing the potential of our youths. In fact, we saw quite a relatively young audience earlier on from St Joseph’s Institution and we talked about our ageing population often and, indeed, this is an important concern. However, by a similar proportion, it also means that the number of youths are in relative decline and youths are a much valued resource. I believe we can do better to engage our youths, harness their creativity and innovation, as well as curate ideas through their perspectives and share their willingness to challenge conventional wisdom and current solutions. This is an important aspect of our nation-building exercise and as the Government moves ahead in its plans for Forward SG.

In my work through the various initiatives with the National Youth Council, our youths care about what happens in Singapore, are concerned for its future and share a deep resonance in wanting to build a more caring, cohesive and inclusive society. In this light, I urge the Ministry to cast their net wider and more deliberately in engaging youths across different communities and backgrounds and bringing them together through activities that build common ground, unity and a shared identity.

Youths in themselves are heterogenous, and if we consider the wide age group defined under the banner of youths from 15 to 35, we must tailor the approach better to cater to the wide range of interests and diverse priorities at different timepoints in the lives of youths.

Even as there are opportunities for youth programmes of NYC through the Youth Action Challenge, Young ChangeMakers grants and various youth panels, I urge the Ministry to study its reach further and ensure breadth in participation at all levels of youth, as we seek to invest in the next generation of Singaporeans, empower them to take ownership in collaborative solutions for current and anticipated societal challenges, and build a collective future together for Singapore.














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