

9月3日晚上,乌节路上的五星级酒店瑞吉居(The St. Regis Singapore)宴会大厅,灯火通明、热闹非凡。


(前排左起)Ms Stella So, Vice Chairlady of the HK Business Association Vietnam ,Clifton Ko Chi Sum 高志深  ,Karl Mak Maka 麦嘉,Raymond Wong Pak Ming 黄百鸣,Dennis Chiu 邱达成,Ms Indranee Rajah兰英妮,MP Lee Yi Shyan李奕贤,Fang Xinwen 房新文,Prof Aileen Wong from SUSS






认出中间那位~名嘴杨锦麟,图左是香港新加坡商会委员律师Petrus Huang、图右是香港城市大学商学院院长、严厚民教授



他还和多名商会委员齐唱Beyond 乐队名曲“海阔天空”,熟悉的旋律、激情燃烧的岁月,触动了人们心底的柔软。看嗨劲十足视频~

右起香港新加坡商会委员钟庭辉、亚坤第三代大当家Adrin Loi 、委员Candy Yan










站中间的印度裔部长很有明星派头哦,她左边的Grace Kong,是新加坡保险界的一位皇后。


右边两位是 Jean Yip Group的Jean Yip和Mervin Wee

(左起)著名歌手叶佩芬、Dr Tan Chin Nam和Mrs Colleen Tan

(左起)Mei Reading、Maple Ye、新加坡中华总商会副会长何乃全、黄百鸣、邱达成和麦嘉


来张美美哒,DeFRED Jewels的女主人Sharel Ho

(左起)一众名媛Eunice siek, 会长夫人Chiu Lee Keng, Grace Wong 和Jean Yip


镇楼照!传说中颜值逆天的创业女神来了!左起 Vickie,Celestia Faith Chong,May Yeo, Benjamin Khoh, Mei Reading, Chermaine Pang; Angela Lee; Evelyn Sam  and Sharel Ho 


Ladies and Gentlemen


Welcome to HSBA’s 23rd AnniversaryDinner.

Tonight, we are indeed honored by the presence of Ms Indranee to grace our Association’s 23rd Anniversary Celebrations.

HK just celebrated 20thanniversary of Handover as HK Special Administrative Region.  What a difference in 20 years.  In 1997 and pre-1997 the state ofuncertainties – Return to /china caused out flux of people – divestments andtogether with 1997 Asian Crisis – created a perfect storm.

HK Corporates loss confidence / people migrated, divested, yet today HK economy Not only is better and even isembarking on yet another Journey  L-Tgrowth path – sure it still has its problems, social “unrest”, Universal Suffrage, Housing issues, Income Polarisation, unequal income distribution is very high.

Gini Coefficient

HK 0.53 V SING 0.458 (2016)

But one thing some of us learned thehard way “Never – bet – against HK – the un-Relentless Spirit of “Can do” andthe continuous influx of new immigrants can keep on Rejuvenate HK.  Together with a Economic Model of “truly” lazzirefaire system and a first class legal / independent system let HK do whatever isbest economically, perfect Supply / Demand  curve in truly market sense – and HK can andwill be able to find it’s equilibrium. Since then HK is known for its Financial Services, its stock market is oneof the biggest Markets in raising money.

HK Capitalization [HK$30.54T] vsUS$4T V Sing [S$8.12B] US$909 Billion Capitalization less than 25% of HK.

Its trade-hub and service sectors especiallyits trade exhibition have become highly important.  Even though some of it’s traditional businesses   such as ports / trans- shipping in HK has been impacted or slowed down but thecompanies / or Corporates involved expanded, they become bigger than HK withWorld Class influence e.g. HPH.

But recently HK has found a newmomentum to grow – cluster of metropolis in Pearl River Delta, Guangdong – HongKong – Macao Greater Bay Area.   Last year South China Guangdong Province generated $1.4T GDP 11 cities with the openingof 55 kms HK – Zhuhai – Macao Bridge to reduce journey time ½ hr compare to 3hrs now.  The West Kowloon High SpeedTrain – The area which has less than 0.6% of China’s Land and only about 5% ofthe population contributed 12% to the China economy.  This area growing 8.3% yr-on-yr 2016, representsone of the highest growth cluster in China.

In the case of Singapore, we need toplug into Global Market to ensure our economic growth.  We have already moved up to knowledge-based,Innovation very high up on the value-chain, But nevertheless “trade” is ourbloodline, trade volume is 3 ½ times of our GDP, driven by external demand.

Whether is One-Belt-One-Road, orexternal trade we need to promote Internationalisation and facilitate growth initiatives, be part of a bigger body as Singapore is a gateway to Asean.

Last year, I sat on the committee ofSG50 SBF which formed subsequent committee on the Future Economy head our Finance Minister Mr Heng Swee Kiat.  I was under the section of small businesses.   As most of our members are from SME.  Under the new growth model Singapore is trying very much to embrace and promote our Entrepreneur Spirit.  Therefore, I encourage you to play a part ofthis Internationalisation and plug into the growth of HK new growthinitiatives.  Hong Kong is also Singapore’s 3rd largest investment destination which bears testimonyto HK’s strong eco opportunities.  Mrs Carrie Lam first overseas visit as Chief Executive demonstrate as a hallmark of our extensive ties.  So I urge membersand friends to visit HK if need be ask for assistance through TDC or HKETO to build bridges, there is ample opportunities. The best is yet to come in the future.

This year we are very lucky to have three very well-known and highly respected HK film producers and film directors/ actors : Mr Raymond Wong Pak Ming 黄百鸣, Mr Clifton Ko Chi Sum 高志深 and Mr Karl Mark 麦加 in our presence tonight.  They represent the best of HK,the HK spirit that I spoke earlier.

Tonight, our Programme Committee has put together a delightful programme for all, and I hope you will all have an enjoyable evening!

Finally, it gives me great pleasure to invite out Guest of Honor Ms Indranee Rajah, Senior Minister of State for Law and Finance, on stage to give her remarks.

Thank you!





3.商会会长Mr Dennis Chiu致辞

4.新加坡财政及法律部部长Ms Indranee Thurai Rajah致辞


